Brand Printed Napkins for Professional use

Brand Printed Napkins for Professional use

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The napkins for professional use are divided into four basic categories and they are constructed to satisfy different categories of professionals in an ideal way. Analytically napkins are divided into:


1. The square ones (12X12 cm) that are divided into subcategories depending on the paper:

1a. Strong: It is named by the paper of which is made. It is mostly used in grill houses. The strong paper is not easily decomposed by humidity and fats whereas when moistened maintains its absorbency and structure up to a satisfying point.

It is made of double paper and is folded in fours. It is packed in nylon packagings of 3,100 items.


1b. Soft: It is made of soft and especially absorbent paper that withholds a big amount of humidity that is produced by foods.

It is usually used in pastry shops, pie makings, restaurants and cafés. It is made of double paper and is folded in fours. It is packed in nylon packs of 3,500 items.


2. The oblong ones (12X14.5 cm) that are divided into subcategories depending on the paper:

2a. Oblong of strong paper: It has a bigger dimension in order to be able to cover the products better and certainly has the possibility of holding greater amount of fluids. It is made of double paper and is folded in fours. It is packed in nylon packs of 2,700 items.


2b. Oblong of soft paper, has the characteristics of the square napkin of soft paper and dimensions 12X14.5 cm. It is packed in packs of 3,000 items.


All napkins are printed on their external side with inks hydrolyzable and odorless so as not to influence foods, with monochrome to tricolor printing.


The minimum quantity for orders of brand printed napkins is 10 packs.



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