AΤ 330 ΤΣΟΥΡΕΚΙ ΚΟΡΜΟΥ Κουτί συσκευασίας Βαλιτσάκι Τούρτας  Ζαχαροπλαστείου Αρτοζαχαροπλαστείου

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Small tulip boxes for Cakes, Log Cake and special No – name boxes


For many years the top-ranking creations in confectioneries were transferred in plain or simple packagings.


The modern packaging category has been especially studied and designed for the inventive and smart packaging of the cake.


Since the cake is placed in it, the packaging closes in simple moves and always ends up in a cardboard handle for the easy and safe transfer of the content.

An extra designing advantage is that the small tulip box can open and reclose in the equally easy way without being destroyed.


The small tulip boxes are produced in three basic types and shapes depending on the shape of the cake that are called to pack.

Hex packagings for round cakes, square packagings for corresponding cakes and parallelogram packagings for log cakes.


A new product that is being widely used the last years is the especially designed boxes for buns.

These boxes cover the needs of the pastry shop for the safe transfer and safekeeping of the sweet, especially when buns with filling or coating are packed.


The so-called no – name (without logo or name) boxes are produced in high specifications of quality, in a variety of designs, in all dimensions, with or without external plasticization; they are packed in 50-item packs, they are stored and disposed in wholesale or retail.


The no – name are produced in great quantities in order the repercussion of the cost production on the final product is minimized.

An extra advantage is the direct availability and the possibility of disposal even of small quantities from the constant consignment of the storage and distribution sector.


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