CHARTOPLASTIKI Company is a modern flexible paper packaging manufacturing unit, renowned in the area of similar companies.
The philosophy and culture of the company regarding the quality of its products and services is the starting point for the implementation of a Management System, which is in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001: 2015

Under the management system, the management of the company is committed to:

  • Ensure continuous improvement of business processes for the effective operation of the company.
  • To meet customer requirements / expectations.
  • Overcome threats and take opportunities.
  • Harmonize with laws and regulations, bilateral signed agreements, and any other compliance requirement notified by the state.
  • Take all necessary steps to improve the efficiency of the Management System.

These commitments are the pillars for:

  • Designing a Management System that recognizes and assesses all threats and opportunities, environmental aspects, and any compliance obligations, thereby setting appropriate actions for their management.
  • The availability of all human resources and the necessary logistical resources.
  • Implementation of all those actions that are necessary to exploit the resources for the whole benefit.
  • Promoting solutions focused on customer satisfaction, green development and improve working relationships.
  • Communicating with all responsible for information and also for establishing preventive actions in order to avoid adverse situations and implement improvement actions.
  • Monitoring the performance of the System in order to achieve the company's target.

Chartoplastiki company operates within the general context of sustainable development. Towards this direction, the company designed the Management System and applies it with respect to human and environment.

This policy is an institutional tool for the operation of the company, available to anyone who requests it and is updated during the annual management review or whenever necessary.